One of my favorite memories of Michelle is during high school when we performed in the Lipsync together. The whole group would practice our dance routine in Michelle’s basement. Most of the girls were cheerleaders, the others at least had coordination; I could barely move to the beat. Never frustrated with my lack of skill (which I can only imagine must have been pretty hard for someone with Michelle’s talent) she worked with me until I was good enough to bring on stage. I think those “extra practices” were held on my behalf.
Words cannot express the sadness that I feel for Michelle’s family and friends that have to go on without her. I have faith that there will be some justice for Michelle, Cassidy & the baby boy that she will always be one with, and all of those who love her and continue to grieve for her.
Michelle, though we have not been close friends for several years, only seeing each other on holidays and communicating through email (I loved receiving updated photos of Cassidy), you are now always in my thoughts and I dream about you often. In my dreams you are as I always remember you, smiling and happy. You and your family will be forever in my heart and prayers.
Love, Abby