A group of wonderful people - strangers to me - have spent their time and money to create and distribute bumper magnets for Michelle in the hopes of it catching someone's eye that might have some information. The "Friends of Michelle" or "Magnet Militia" as they call themselves are doing such a wonderful job at getting her case back in the public eye. It warms my heart that people still feel so strongly and have so much love for Michelle.

WRAL Story:
Do you know how I can get a magnet? I would definitely put it on my car. I truly hope they arrest Michelle's murderer soon.
Do you know where we can get a magnet? I would absolutely put it on my car, to keep Michelle's memory fresh in everyone's minds, and hopefully to lead to the arrest of her murderer. If you have any info., please post it. Thanks.
I'm not sure how to get a hold of anymore. I think you'll be able to get them at homecoming this weekend.
I would love to get a magnet as well. I have known Michelle since elementery school and have just recenrtly moved to the asheville Nc area from raleigh NC. And would love to out that out in this area and the brevard area..Let me know who I can contact if anyone..thanks staci van valen (martin)
I have a few magnets. You can leave another comment with your address and I will mail you a few (but don't worry, I won't publish the comment so no one will see your address!)
Hi Statia,
Just got the magnets in the mail today...thanks so much for sending them down, I really appreciate it! There are a couple girls here in Raleigh and one buddy in Savannah that I will share with and I know they will appreciate having them.
Here's to a happy and healthly 2008 to you and yours as well as some closure in Michelle's case.
Anne Boggs, Raleigh NC
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