Dear Michelle -
Although we lost touch since high school, I will never forget the good times I shared with you. Cheerleading was like a second family to me, and I was proud and glad to stand next to you almost every day. It was no secret that we had our differences, but I think that we had more laughs than anything else (including being Beavis & Butthead in the Cheerleading Camp skit!). You were taken away too early and it's so obvious what a positive influence you had on everyone in your life. I'm glad I was able to share happy times with you and remember you for the funny, caring person you were.
Love your '95 Co-Captain (and friend),
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
A Letter from Progress Energy

November 3, 2007
Dear Michelle,
It has been one year since you were so tragically taken from us and we still think of you every day. Some of us look at your picture every morning and see your beautiful smile. Some of us think of you each morning when we pour our coffee and remember the hazelnut scent of the coffee that you so frequently brewed. Some of us think of you when we look into our children’s eyes and remember how much you loved Cassidy and how much you loved being a mother. Some of us think of you when we find a good sale on bottled water because we know how you loved a bargain. Whatever the trigger, we think of you every day because you had a profound effect on our lives and we miss you.
One of your friends used this verse to describe the way you lived your life. “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.” You lived every day to its fullest, not wanting to miss anything life had to offer or to settle for less. Some people believe that you have to choose between a career or a family but not you. You were determined to have both. Some people, after having a child, lose touch with friends and even extended family members because they are so busy, but not you. You were the organizer. You never settled for, “let’s get together” but rather you pulled out your calendar and found a date to make sure it happened.
Even with your co-workers, you never let a “life event” pass by without ensuring that it was properly recognized and celebrated. While it would have been more than enough for you to run by the grocery store and pick up something off the shelf that was not good enough for you. You always went further by ordering the persons favorite cake, with their favorite frosting, and even decorated in their favorite color. There was always the added “Michelle” touch.
Whenever one of your co-workers was having a difficult time, you always seemed to know the right thing to do. And then, of course, you organized the effort to help them.
Michelle, because you always made time for others even when your life was full and hectic, you made us want to be better people, to be more caring and giving like you were. We’ve said this before but we were very blessed to have known you. We love you and miss you.
From your friends at Progress Energy
A Letter from Heather

Dear Michelle,
This picture brings a huge smile to my face! You seemed to make it your personal duty to ensure that people felt welcomed and had fun in your presence. We would go to NY for family reunions and you would make sure to take us out for good pizza, Italian ice, and a view of the Atlantic. You would visit us in Richmond and make plans for us while you were there…we were always active with you Michelle…you brought the life out in people.
Rich and I decided to move to Charlotte, NC after having lived in Richmond for 10+ years. You told us that you had friends in the area and would make plans so that we could all get together and meet people. Now, a lot of people say things like this…but time goes by, people get busy, and it never happens. Not so with you, Michelle. Two weeks after Rich and I moved, you called and again…made plans to make us feel welcome in our new town.
This day we went with you and your friends out on the lake. We were having a lot of fun and everybody was trying to wakeboard. It was really amusing because everyone was having a difficult time staying up for more than 3 seconds. Everyone had given it a go except for you and me. Someone said, “Who’s next?” I emphatically replied, “NOT ME”…you, however, said in your nonchalant way, “I’ll go”…and you went. You rode that wakeboard like you had been doing it your entire life. So effortlessly, you hit bumps in the water…no problem…several minutes went by…we started doing circles trying to throw you…no problem…more time went by. You were just chillin’ out there in the water…on a wakeboard…riding the waves. I am convinced that you merely stopped because you were getting tired…not because it got too hard for you. Michelle, you could do anything!
You went into motherhood just as naturally as you did riding the waves. You were a first time mom, but it seemed like you had been a mother forever. I found you to be so calm, peaceful, and patient when it came to mothering Cassidy. I often think of you as I mother my son now, there is so much that can be learned from the memories of your being.
You left quite an impression on so many to have lived a brief 29 years. I know I am not alone in saying that you enter my life on a daily basis. Although the pain of your loss has been immeasurable, the gift of having known you holds a value that cannot be underestimated. You will live forever through your daughter’s eyes, in the sighting of ladybugs, whenever a beautiful woman is spotted, whenever I hear the name “Michelle”, when the wind blows on a beautiful day…and… in countless hearts.
Thank you for your time with us on earth…
I love you,
A Letter from Staci

Dear Michelle,
I know that it has been a quite a few years since we last spoke. One of my fondest memories of you, of course goes all the way back to elementary school, after the last day of school we would all walk to your house for the most amazing pool party ever. I also remember one night when I slept over you taught me how to play Yesterday on the flute. It was the only song I ever knew how to play. After high school we really didn’t speak much everyone went on living there lives elsewhere, but somehow we ended up living only 10 minutes form each other. I remember running into you at home depot and both of us just floored to see one another. We said that we would get together sometime soon. I again ran into you at old navy and you were pregnant with Cassidy. I tried to get you to drive to Christine’s batchorlette party with me but you had just had Cassidy and obviously couldn't. My fondest memory of all is the positive energy and beautiful smile you brought to any situation. I think of you everyday and hope that justice will be brought to the person who took such a wonderful, loving, caring, and beautiful person from all of us!
Staci Van Valen
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
A Letter from Marybeth
Dear Michelle-
I am so grateful to have had 20+ years of memories to help me get through the past year. We always made fun of Jen for having such a vivid memory, but I find myself really relying on her memories now. Although I can easily recall many good times from our elementary, middle and high school years, our college years and times spent together in our 20's, it's the memories of you as a young mom that I most want to remember right now. Jen- having gone through her pregnancy with the benefit of your advice and experience-is able to pass along your words of wisdom on everything from pregnancy and delivery to having a brand new infant and adjusting to life as a working mom. At my baby shower Jen gave me a copy of the card you gave her when she was pregnant. I love re-reading this card, where you say that you have passed the same card along to many of your pregnant friends. Getting that card made me feel like you were a part of my pregnancy, passing along advice and support as I know you would have. I have a whole new respect for the amazing mom that you were. I look back on pictures of you and Cassidy together and I can see the absolute joy in both of your faces...and Jen provides the background details on where you were and what you were doing when the pictures were taken! My only regret is that there should be many, many more of these pictures and memories.
We are so happy that your Mom is part of Katherine and Ciara's lives. We will make sure that she keeps practicing her grandmotherly skills, because we all hope that she will be reunited with Cassidy sometime soon.
I love you and miss you, Marybeth
I am so grateful to have had 20+ years of memories to help me get through the past year. We always made fun of Jen for having such a vivid memory, but I find myself really relying on her memories now. Although I can easily recall many good times from our elementary, middle and high school years, our college years and times spent together in our 20's, it's the memories of you as a young mom that I most want to remember right now. Jen- having gone through her pregnancy with the benefit of your advice and experience-is able to pass along your words of wisdom on everything from pregnancy and delivery to having a brand new infant and adjusting to life as a working mom. At my baby shower Jen gave me a copy of the card you gave her when she was pregnant. I love re-reading this card, where you say that you have passed the same card along to many of your pregnant friends. Getting that card made me feel like you were a part of my pregnancy, passing along advice and support as I know you would have. I have a whole new respect for the amazing mom that you were. I look back on pictures of you and Cassidy together and I can see the absolute joy in both of your faces...and Jen provides the background details on where you were and what you were doing when the pictures were taken! My only regret is that there should be many, many more of these pictures and memories.
We are so happy that your Mom is part of Katherine and Ciara's lives. We will make sure that she keeps practicing her grandmotherly skills, because we all hope that she will be reunited with Cassidy sometime soon.
I love you and miss you, Marybeth
A Letter from the Iannotti's
Dear Michelle,
I can still see your beautiful person at the last Family Reunion at Linda’s home, we can see your smile, we can hear your laughter, we can see you showing Cassidy what it means to be loved unconditionally and we can see why the sun shines through in your heart. Everyone just loved YOU Michelle. You have always been vividly in the minds of the entire family every day and that will never change, the entire family will make sure that your candle will always stay brightly lit.
As we close our eyes every evening and as our head hits the pillow, all our prayers will be in your honor Michelle with love.
We all miss you tremendously…
From the entire Iannotti Family…Francine, Carmine, Michael, Denise, Benjamin, Christopher and Joyce.
I can still see your beautiful person at the last Family Reunion at Linda’s home, we can see your smile, we can hear your laughter, we can see you showing Cassidy what it means to be loved unconditionally and we can see why the sun shines through in your heart. Everyone just loved YOU Michelle. You have always been vividly in the minds of the entire family every day and that will never change, the entire family will make sure that your candle will always stay brightly lit.
As we close our eyes every evening and as our head hits the pillow, all our prayers will be in your honor Michelle with love.
We all miss you tremendously…
From the entire Iannotti Family…Francine, Carmine, Michael, Denise, Benjamin, Christopher and Joyce.
Memories from Lisa
These first few memories I have of Michelle are just a small amount of a ton of wonderful memories. but ones that I have been playing over and over again in my mind for a year now. The small memories lead me into the greater ones and time well spent with Michelle and her family. For many years Michelle and I were great friends, she was a great friend. To explain her personality justifiable enough is as hard as trying to understand how or why this happened to this wonderful women. She just didn't care what you had, where you came form, or where you were going, she only wanted to make sure you had love and support and understanding as you found your way. I'll never forget when Michelle encouraged me to try out for Cheerleading. HA! Me, In Cheerleading! I was so insecure, so so scared of being in front of people. Michelle just insisted I could do it, and she made sure to coach me every step of the way with help from her mom, and even young Meredith who was already a pro too. There we would practice at her house, at my house, dancing, doing cheers and all sorts of jumps to the techno song 'twilight zone' , very popular at that time. I could never imagine I would make the team, and come the day of try outs, by the end of the day, there was my name, I had made it! Being on cheerleading helped build up my confidence, helped my self esteem and most important made me a part of something. I had a bit of a difficult environment at times when I was younger, and if it wasn't for Michelle and her families constant encouragement, things could have been much much worse. I was over the Fisher's house a lot, and no matter what was going on in there own lives, I was always welcomed and felt comfortable. I'll never forget that feeling of safety in such a time of uncertainty. Thank you Michelle and The Fishers, thank you.
Michelle exceeded in every area of life when we were kids,and anything she took on she succeeded at with grace and stride. She excelled in her studies, and I can see her in her comfy clothes, with her legs up in her chair , huddled into her chest, studying. She excelled in foreign languages well, french,and spanish. She was a part of a small group of students who learned Russian! Michelle was a bit of an over achiever, but it was inspiring to see how well she also balanced her social life and knew when it was time to have fun. Michelle back then, was just so gracious and fun, loving and kind. I am saddened that I did not have the good fortune of knowing her more in her young adult years. from what I hear I like to think we still would have had a great deal to have admired in one another. Michelle and I lost touch later in life, yet I have been truly truly blessed to have shared any part of life with her at all. I have come to the realization of just how much I was blessed since this happened, and it saddens me to have to learn something from such tragedy; yet I can almost hear Michelle saying' See, ya learned somethin!' oh, how I have the chills, you are one of a kind Michelle Fisher, one of a kind.
I do not know why or how this happened to such a beautiful person. You hear all sorts of horrible things that occur in our society today and feel such sympathy for others that have to endure such grief. To be so close to this family in our community, in our lives,is heart breaking. We go on, in our daily bores, and Michelle and her family and her beautiful daughter cross our minds often, yet we go on? To me, trying to find the understanding of how this family will heal is such a huge challenge. I don't know if there is a word great enough to explain how deeply hurt I feel for Michelle's family , and her daughter Cassidy. It's been a year now, and yet it's as if time just stopped. I know one day in the future that time will indeed heal the wounds left by this tragedy,but for now it may just be too soon, and my heart along with many others may not be ready to accept. Grief must be met....and I think this is a part of my own, trying to find understanding and acceptance that her loved ones will heal, Michelle's spirit will guide them to heal. This I believe and feel each passing day.
They say that only the good die young,and for some of us in Sayville ,we understand that all too well. In this same weekend, we also remember another amazing women and life long friend of Michelle's, Lori Dayton Abrams. I can't hardly comprehend why they were taken from us too soon, but somehow, and perhaps cliched, I have solace in thinking that they are together somewhere......busy, and healed, lovingly watching over us with big white angel wings.....forever young..................
I loved you gals here on earth, and oh how I love you still...until we meet again.................
Lisa Vertichio
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Michelle Remembered

There was a beautiful memorial service held for Michelle today on the 1 year anniversary of her untimely death. Family and friends gathered at her grave in North Carolina and sang songs, read prayers and shared their memories of Michelle's wonderful life. At the end of the afternoon everyone wrote a message to Michelle on a balloon and released them up to heaven for Michelle to read. And so we would all know that she was there with us in spirit a little ladybug appeared (in the potato salad!) back at Meredith's house.
To view all the photos from today please click on this link:
Friday, November 2, 2007
From Michele

I had the great pleasure of sharing my name with such a beautiful person, people referred to us by saying Martha's Michele or Linda's Michelle. I think of Michelle and I think of the joy she brought with her into a room, her glow of beauty and her presence of friendship and love. Michelle was a great cousin to have in the family, she was always good at getting us all together for a family gathering. I wished we could of had more Easter's together (it was a tradition in the making) it was a great time to catch up and see Cassidy hunt for eggs. The kids always had a wonderful time being together and hunting for eggs and having big smiles on their faces when they would get just 1 egg. Michelle was such a fantastic mother to Cassidy, she was teaching her how to be a sweet little girl and that was a joy to see and be a part of.
I love you and will always have our memories.
I will miss you and my family will miss you.
Michele Smith
Memories from Sue
Michelle moving to North Carolina gave us the opportunity to know each other more like first cousins, than distant cousins. As Linda was more like a sister to my mother than a first cousin. I wish, as I know all of us do, that I could have had more of Michelle. I was just finally getting to really know her as a woman and mother. Michelle was always a lot of fun to be around, the kind of person that draws you in, charismatic.
A vivid memory for me is Easter of 2006. It was a beautiful day and Michelle and family drove up and of course, she was looking like she just stepped out of Vouge. Love the shoes, love the hair, love the bag... We proceeded to watch Cassidy and my little nephew Carter (same age) look for Eggs, which was a riot in and of itself. Carter running full speed and almost falling over the egg he saw before he could grab it and Miss Cassidy was skipping along and ever so carefully and gently picking up her egg as though it was made of gold and putting it in the basket.
After the annual Heller Egg Hunt, we sat down for dinner and I sat in between Cassidy and Michelle. I remember that Cassidy was not eating much and Michelle had said she had just recently had a stomach bug and was sick for a while. I looked at them both and how relaxed Michelle was at dinner time, which we all know can be a hectic time, and I said to her...Wow, the way you mother her in such a calm and loving way is really a beautiful thing, a quality I greatly admired. You could see how much she loved her and how much Cassidy loved her right back! I remember telling her that she acted like Cassidy was more like her fourth child than her first. She had complete confidence when it came to almost everything it seemed, and especially being a mother. Michelle you will be thought of and prayed for more than you know...We love you!
With all of our love always
Sue Parker and Family
Greensboro, NC
A vivid memory for me is Easter of 2006. It was a beautiful day and Michelle and family drove up and of course, she was looking like she just stepped out of Vouge. Love the shoes, love the hair, love the bag... We proceeded to watch Cassidy and my little nephew Carter (same age) look for Eggs, which was a riot in and of itself. Carter running full speed and almost falling over the egg he saw before he could grab it and Miss Cassidy was skipping along and ever so carefully and gently picking up her egg as though it was made of gold and putting it in the basket.
After the annual Heller Egg Hunt, we sat down for dinner and I sat in between Cassidy and Michelle. I remember that Cassidy was not eating much and Michelle had said she had just recently had a stomach bug and was sick for a while. I looked at them both and how relaxed Michelle was at dinner time, which we all know can be a hectic time, and I said to her...Wow, the way you mother her in such a calm and loving way is really a beautiful thing, a quality I greatly admired. You could see how much she loved her and how much Cassidy loved her right back! I remember telling her that she acted like Cassidy was more like her fourth child than her first. She had complete confidence when it came to almost everything it seemed, and especially being a mother. Michelle you will be thought of and prayed for more than you know...We love you!
With all of our love always
Sue Parker and Family
Greensboro, NC
A Letter from Mel

Dear Michelle,
My last memory with you, I will never forget. You and I were at my apartment and we were waiting for Clare to call us and tell us about Jen's baby. She finally called and told us, "It's a girl!", we both screamed so loud, we were so excited! I can't believe that you won't be around for all the big moments of the future. I miss you so much and your sense of humor and how we always had so much fun together. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and wish you were here. You will always be a part of our life, you are forever in our hearts. I love and miss you.
Memories from John
Fondly remembered…
It is extremely difficult to put into words the thoughts and emotions that well up when I think about Michelle Fisher.
On the eve of the anniversary of her passing the thoughts of family thrust their way into my consciousness. Michelle is part of a large, extended family. I have been connected to that family for more than twenty years and if I had to boil down all the experiences I have participated in and heard about to one word it would be…loud…(wink)… love. There was lots of hugging and lots of kissing. Especially of the little people. To be a child in this family is to be loved and cared for in a special way.
I could be totally somber with my comments and thoughts, but another strong memory from my time spent with Michelle and her beautiful family is laughter. A genuine feeling of good natured fun and a zeal for life. Anything from good natured ribbing about a boy friends and girl friends to a full blown water fight.
My personal memories, without exception include Linda and Meredith. I remember vividly, shortly after their return from their trip to the mother country, Italia, dozens of pictures of the girls and the breathtaking sights. The sights were wonderful, but the “togetherness” of Michelle, Linda and Meredith is what remains most poignant. The pictures could have been taken in Toledo, and what would stand out is the love bonding the three humans in the photo.
We have a picture on our refrigerator of the reunion at Linda’s house the summer before the tragedy. If you look at that picture Michelle is in the geometrical center. And all the people who love her and whom she loved are surrounding her. As we have symbolically surrounding her for the past year. Grandma is holding Cassidy, and all is well. I pray often that justice will prevail. For Cassidy, for Linda and Meredith, for us all.
As I look out the window and see the bright rays of sunlight I recall what is often said about Michelle, “what a bright and wonderful smile she had…”. When I pray I pray that God will care for Michelle, will care for our darling Cassidy and help all of us who think of her as a friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin. It is the memory of her life I choose to celebrate. I miss you. We all miss you.
John Parker
It is extremely difficult to put into words the thoughts and emotions that well up when I think about Michelle Fisher.
On the eve of the anniversary of her passing the thoughts of family thrust their way into my consciousness. Michelle is part of a large, extended family. I have been connected to that family for more than twenty years and if I had to boil down all the experiences I have participated in and heard about to one word it would be…loud…(wink)… love. There was lots of hugging and lots of kissing. Especially of the little people. To be a child in this family is to be loved and cared for in a special way.
I could be totally somber with my comments and thoughts, but another strong memory from my time spent with Michelle and her beautiful family is laughter. A genuine feeling of good natured fun and a zeal for life. Anything from good natured ribbing about a boy friends and girl friends to a full blown water fight.
My personal memories, without exception include Linda and Meredith. I remember vividly, shortly after their return from their trip to the mother country, Italia, dozens of pictures of the girls and the breathtaking sights. The sights were wonderful, but the “togetherness” of Michelle, Linda and Meredith is what remains most poignant. The pictures could have been taken in Toledo, and what would stand out is the love bonding the three humans in the photo.
We have a picture on our refrigerator of the reunion at Linda’s house the summer before the tragedy. If you look at that picture Michelle is in the geometrical center. And all the people who love her and whom she loved are surrounding her. As we have symbolically surrounding her for the past year. Grandma is holding Cassidy, and all is well. I pray often that justice will prevail. For Cassidy, for Linda and Meredith, for us all.
As I look out the window and see the bright rays of sunlight I recall what is often said about Michelle, “what a bright and wonderful smile she had…”. When I pray I pray that God will care for Michelle, will care for our darling Cassidy and help all of us who think of her as a friend, sister, daughter, granddaughter, niece, cousin. It is the memory of her life I choose to celebrate. I miss you. We all miss you.
John Parker
A Letter from Sue
My Wish for You:
Dear Michelle,
It's been a very long time since we've talked or laughed together.
Though we lost touch over the past 12 years, I am still very much
affected and saddened by what has happened to you. As I read what
friends and loved ones have said and written about you, I feel grateful
and honored to have known you and been your friend. I am still brought
to tears when I have to face that you will not be here to bring such
beauty, wisdom and kindness to this world and it's unfair that was
taken away from you and all who love you.
I have one wish for you: I wish that you are able to see and feel the
presence of those who love and care about you and know our lives will
not be the same without you. You have made a difference in many lives,
including my own, and for that I thank you.
You are deeply missed.
Love your friend,
Sue Ferro-Johnson
Dear Michelle,
It's been a very long time since we've talked or laughed together.
Though we lost touch over the past 12 years, I am still very much
affected and saddened by what has happened to you. As I read what
friends and loved ones have said and written about you, I feel grateful
and honored to have known you and been your friend. I am still brought
to tears when I have to face that you will not be here to bring such
beauty, wisdom and kindness to this world and it's unfair that was
taken away from you and all who love you.
I have one wish for you: I wish that you are able to see and feel the
presence of those who love and care about you and know our lives will
not be the same without you. You have made a difference in many lives,
including my own, and for that I thank you.
You are deeply missed.
Love your friend,
Sue Ferro-Johnson
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Transcript of my speech from Michelle's Birthday Memorial Service in February

Over the past few weeks I've tried to sit down and write out what I wanted to say tonight, but every time I tried I would get too upset and just start crying instead. But in between all that crying I would also start laughing at all the funny memories I have of Michelle.
I'm an only child so growing up Michelle & Meredith were like my sisters - so the majority of my childhood memories involve them.
When I think of Michelle, I think of the 500 times we made our parents take us to Blockbuster to rent Michael Jackson's Thriller.
I think of the Christmas where Michelle & Dennis broke the news to me about Santa Claus and then laughed at me for the rest of the day for not believing them.
I think of the time when Michelle, Meredith and I were all crammed into the trunk of a hatchback for the ride down to Myrtle Beach for one of our many family vacations.
But my most vivid childhood memory of Michelle was the time that she tied my hair to the railing of her staircase and then stood there spraying me with hairspray. I KNOW that I must have done something pretty bad to deserve it - but of course all that I remember now is my punishment.
I have wonderful memories of Michelle from high school and college, and I'll never forget the first time I heard that new southern accent! Michelle was so fantastic and supportive of me throughout my pregnancy and when my daughter was born - she was always there to listen or offer help & advice.
I have a lifetime of wonderful memories of Michelle and I still just can't believe that we won't be able to make any new ones.
I still have her phone number saved in my cell phone and her email address in my address book - and I don't think that I'll ever be able to remove them.
Michelle I miss you and I love you.
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