November 3, 2007
Dear Michelle,
It has been one year since you were so tragically taken from us and we still think of you every day. Some of us look at your picture every morning and see your beautiful smile. Some of us think of you each morning when we pour our coffee and remember the hazelnut scent of the coffee that you so frequently brewed. Some of us think of you when we look into our children’s eyes and remember how much you loved Cassidy and how much you loved being a mother. Some of us think of you when we find a good sale on bottled water because we know how you loved a bargain. Whatever the trigger, we think of you every day because you had a profound effect on our lives and we miss you.
One of your friends used this verse to describe the way you lived your life. “Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered, and that my life is fleeing away.” You lived every day to its fullest, not wanting to miss anything life had to offer or to settle for less. Some people believe that you have to choose between a career or a family but not you. You were determined to have both. Some people, after having a child, lose touch with friends and even extended family members because they are so busy, but not you. You were the organizer. You never settled for, “let’s get together” but rather you pulled out your calendar and found a date to make sure it happened.
Even with your co-workers, you never let a “life event” pass by without ensuring that it was properly recognized and celebrated. While it would have been more than enough for you to run by the grocery store and pick up something off the shelf that was not good enough for you. You always went further by ordering the persons favorite cake, with their favorite frosting, and even decorated in their favorite color. There was always the added “Michelle” touch.
Whenever one of your co-workers was having a difficult time, you always seemed to know the right thing to do. And then, of course, you organized the effort to help them.
Michelle, because you always made time for others even when your life was full and hectic, you made us want to be better people, to be more caring and giving like you were. We’ve said this before but we were very blessed to have known you. We love you and miss you.
From your friends at Progress Energy
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